![]() I was hesitant to write a blog on money and your network because I was afraid that the way that I do things might be a personality trait. However, after further reflection I figured out this wasn't the case because I am an introvert (I know, crazy right?!) In fact, short and simple small talk drains me! Once I figured that out, I realized I needed to network in a way that felt organic and natural to me. When I really looked at this way of networking, I realized it was something anyone could do. Before I begin, I want to emphasize that I do not see people as a dollar signs and you shouldn't either! You should not create a network for the sole purpose of making more money, even if that is often the natural outcome of having a solid network. 1) Be visible - Don't play small when it comes to your business, take up space, own that you are a business person with a real business. Tell the people around you what you do! Why? If people know what you do, then it is easier for them to seek you out to help them or to refer their friends to you. Don't be a business owner that hides away and no one knows what it is that you do or what success people have had from working with you. When you are talking about your business and what you do, don't just tell people your title, tell them exactly what it is that you do. For example, don't just say - I am a business coach, tell them: I help entrepreneurs make more money! Why does that make a difference?! When you just say business coach, it is very generic and people can't begin to think about how that would apply to their lives or the lives of those they know. However, as soon as you use the word entrepreneur, they begin to think of people in their lives who are entrepreneurs, maybe they just reconnected with a friend who was telling them about the new business they started - suddenly you've connected the dots for them about how you can help! Bottom line, if you don't tell the world (and especially your network) what you do, then the world will never benefit from what you do! 2) Treat People as People: That ones sounds sooooo basic but it is perhaps the one that I see most entrepreneurs struggle with. How often does someone friend request you and then immediately start pitching whatever it is they have to sell! Connect with people on a real level, not just a business level. It is ok to connect with people online about something you see that intrigues you that isn't business -- a song they are listening to or a quote that you saw that spoke to you. If the conversation flows naturally to business, great! Also, don't disregard engaging with someone because they aren't your ideal client -- they probably know 1-3 people who are your ideal client. When you disregard them as not being your ideal client, you are actually seeing them as a dollar sign. When you interact with people from a genuine space and are open to give them your attention, then you are making a true connection. Connect with people on a real level - it doesn't always have to be a conversation based solely on business 3) Operate from the highest level of integrity - You are in business to make money, but money shouldn't be what drives your decisions. Don't sell your business to someone if it isn't the right fit. There is always the possibility it will be the right fit in the future OR that they know someone who you are the right fit for. When you say no to someone because it isn't the right fit, you aren't saying no to an opportunity, you are saying no to the potential for an opportunity gone bad. People appreciate and respect when you are upfront and say, this isn't the right time for us to work with one another - you need to do A B and C before we can work together because I don't want to just take your money and not be able to deliver the results you are expecting. Again, this shows the person that you see them as a person and not as a dollar sign - it isn't about the sale, it is about wanting them to get the help they need! If you really have deep connections with people, instead of seeing them as a dollar sign, you are going to make more money. Anytime you operate from the utmost integrity, you are going to make more money. We spend so much of our lives feeling like a number, be someone who listens to them and actually offers them a true solution, even if that solution isn't you!
![]() Have you ever heard of a money anchor?! Even if you have, it is always good to refresh on what they are and how they can help you to reach your money goals! So what is a money anchor?! It is a tangible item, typically with the image of money on it. It should be something you carry with you or see often, like a keychain, mousepad, phone cover, actual money displayed in glass jars, etc. It can also be the passwords for your accounts - for example, changing your email password to "future millionaire." While most money anchors are directly associated with actual money, they can also be a visual representation of one of your money goals - for example, if you want to save enough money to take a trip to Disney World with your family, a mickey mouse keychain that you carry with you daily could be used as a money anchor. Now that you have a clear understanding of what they are, lets talk through the top 3 reasons you need them in your life! 1) Money anchors serve as a visual cue, triggering your subconscious mind and providing a concrete image to you of your money goal. A non-money example of this phenomenon is the method most teachers use to teach people how to read -- you hold up a card with a picture of an apple, with the word apple written below it. Your mind learns to translate the written word with the identifying picture. Why is that important?! When you get your subconscious mind on board, it goes to work for you to meet your goals without you even consciously thinking about it! This subconscious shift has huge implications on your money mindset, which we will talk about next. 2) Having a money anchor changes your money mindset, eliminating the taboo aspect of money and helping you to address the often deeply engrained idea that money shouldn't ever be talked about. By removing the idea that money should never be talked about, you remove the stigma of charging the value of your services, asking for raises, and just talking about money in a way that feels comfortable. The constant presence of money anchors neutralizes your nervous systems response and allows you to talk about money in the same way that you would the weather. 3) Neuroscience of Visualization! Not only do money anchors impact your subconscious, they also cue your brain to visualize your next money goal! A money anchor literally activates the parts of your brain that make you seek out the opportunities to make your goals happen. I call this the “red car syndrome” - you never see another red car on the road until you drive off the lot in a red car, now they are everywhere! Money anchors help you to see various ways to make money, encourage you to seek out the opportunity to make connections and all of a sudden you have clarity, one step leads to another and your moving closer to your money goal. So take some time today to pick out some money anchors to add into your daily life! Surround yourself with your money anchors to create the visual cue, acclimate your nervous system and release your limiting money beliefs, and allow the neuroscience of visualization to go to work in your life, helping you to consistently reach your money goals! Here are some of my favorite money anchors* - I can't wait to see what you pick as your money anchor, be sure to let me know! ![]() Now that you've rewritten your money story, let’s talk budgeting. A budget for your business and home finances is so important! I like to picture money as a mischievous toddler, you need to take control of it and tell it where to go or it will just disappear. Being proactive with your budget allows you to take control of your money and helps with so many other aspects of your money mindset. When creating your budget, you have to budget for your real life and not your ideal life. For instance, in my ideal life my family is eating healthy, home cooked meals seven days a week BUT in my real life we’re definitely eating out at least two nights a week. When I am creating my budget, I need to make sure that I am accurately accounting for how my food budget will be spent. Be honest with yourself and budget for real life. As you create your budget, you need to be aware of your money doubt backpack. Didn't you know you are constantly walking through life carrying a money doubt backpack full of bricks that include all of your money anxiety, your generational money mindset, the things your friends have said to you about money, your money beliefs, and your money doubts. You’re carrying this weight with you all the time?! Now I want you to envision that backpack, and look ahead to your new relationship with money - do you want to carry all of that weight with you into the next month? Do you want to carry your doubt and anxiety and fear? Or do you want that backpack to be full of just the essentials? Here is the awesome thing: You get to choose what you carry in your backpack and you can choose to eliminate some of the weight. To do this, you start by removing the bricks and naming them. Just like you name your children, you name the bricks. I recommend creating an actual visual to look at and decide what you will carry with you (or not) into the next month. And just as a reminder… it is ok have nice things, it is okay to own your wants and you don’t have to justify them. Not everything is going to be justifiable, and when you try to justify your wants, you only validate your fear, so you have to be mindful of that. So let me know, which bricks will you be leaving behind? ![]() We talk a lot about rewriting our money story and choosing a new belief system, but what does that actually look like? I want to share a few tips with you on how to do it the right way. In reality, most of our money beliefs are not actually ours to begin with, they are a mix of beliefs that have been instilled in us from our grandparents, parents and families. Add in what we receive from social conditioning (social media, our co-workers, our friends, etc.) and it can be difficult to discern what it is we really believe for ourselves. So, when you choose to rewrite your story you need to create a regression timeline. Take time and look at your life year by year, beginning with your earliest memories from childhood to identify common money stories that might exist in your life. For example, maybe your father lost his job when you were 7 and that had a great impact on your family. Now when you look at how you handle money, you are extremely frugal even when you don't need to be because you do not want to find yourself in the same position as your parents. Take a careful look at all of the patterns of behavior that may be repeating cycles in your life because you haven’t changed your perspective on the past. Now that you have identified your money stories, look for what was amazing in those stories. For example, reframe your thought pattern to: even though my dad lost his job and we were eating rice & beans, I was spending every afternoon in the park. Find the goodness in your story, see how the things that happened made you more resourceful or more caring. Reframe the story into a new and better story that made you the amazing human being that you are today. I have my own story on reframing my past; when my family had to leave everything behind in Brazil to come to the to the US. Not only did they have to leave their possessions, they also left behind their community and who they were. So instead of saying my parents had to leave everything behind and they had nothing, I say “my parents invested all that they had to make room for more.” Make sure you do not skip over this examination of the past as the first step in rewriting your money story. Why? Because you can't move forward without this deep understanding of where your beliefs came from. Now, as you start to plan for the future you get to choose a new money system and belief. The key will be actually acting on that belief, because remember your life doesn’t change by inspiration and motivation, it changes by the actions that you take. The thing is, that even though you are taking on this new money mindset, it doesn't mean that all of your money struggles will disappear, but now you will make a change in the way you respond to them. So how do you do that? You have to actively act on your new belief system - you have to believe that when you’re paying bills that you’re just making room for more money to come in. You have to prioritize being generous and allowing yourself to buy the things you want and need. You have to normalize investing in your business. Make sure you also look for the wealth in other areas of your life as well, see the abundance that doesn’t come from money, but from the world around you. Celebrate that you can sleep late and wake up without an alarm clock, celebrate the crafts that you make, celebrate the conversations you have with friends and family. See all aspects of your life as abundant. Now, here is something I get asked all the time -- if I am content and celebrating my abundance, am I able to still crave more? The answer is YES! You can live in a state of contentment and gratitude and still have desires for bigger and better things. Why? Because who benefits from your playing small? Who benefits from you downplaying your gifts? Who benefits from your lack mindset? The answer is: No One, except your comfort zone! Now lets look at it from the other perspective. Who benefits when you are ready to really step into your marketplace and show up with your skills and talents? Who benefits when you are ready to have success? When you are ready to live a life that is full of abundance? Everybody Wins! What you might not immediately see is that there is a ripple effect -- your children are watching, you get to invest in your community and the causes you care for. So now is the time to show up for yourself, to step into your new money mindset, to believe in the difference you can make and to put you and your business first. We are safe from the bomb cyclone that came through Colorado and even though my husband got stuck in a major highway he came home unharmed. That got me thinking about all of those people that were on their way to work and did not have a choice but put themselves in harms way to make ends meet financially. That is the what money does - money gives us options and stability. It gives us power to say NO when we need to.
And that is my purpose to get as many people as possible to have the power to say NO or HECK YEAH to opportunities presented to do. Give them the power to control their money instead of being controlled by it. And this is why I am giving a FREE monthlong masterclass with a whole week of implementation! When coming up with the content of this masterclass and workbook I thought about how much money impacts every part of our lives and as soon as we get everything else organized money just becomes an automated task like typing in your password - it's almost second nature! And tell me, what would you like to say HECK YEAH to? When you are in need of something serious done you look for a specialist in that one area - and that is why specialists cost more - they have invested time and money in their specialty and are there to offer you a result, not a treatment.
My business coach challenged me to become a specialist, an expert, honestly I think she saw the expert in me long before I did and her job was to coach that out of me! I am a specialist, an expert per se, of helping women in business; challenging them to their next level. I absolutely love working with business women. I have always been a girls' girl. I truly don't get the cattiness, the fake or lack of lack of trust that all of that estrogen can bring. I love supporting other women and being part of their journey. And if I am being honest here not a lot of men wants a woman telling him what to do, especially when it comes to money (my specialty)! As women in business we have different sets of challenges than our male counterparts. We are raising babies and businesses at the same time. We wear our emotions in our sleeves having a hard time making choices between our feelings and our profits. I have coached women, men, couples and even children (through their moms) but my rock star clients are all women! They are women in business doing amazing things but somehow feel stuck, financially strapped, craving more from life and from themselves too! They are tired of running in circles and are ready to live a more purposeful life! So now, I help women in business level up, make and keep more money, and become the powerhouse they are meant to be! Come join me! Download the Millionaire Marketing Blueprint Today! Money mindset is a hot topic these days, with some people believing they can wish their debt away. While the law of attraction is real, there's a method to creating the perfect money mindset.
Our brains are like WiFi devices, emitting signals that the Universe (or God, as I call it) picks up on, bringing things into fruition—good or bad. When we're in a negative mindset, disasters can seem to come in threes, while positivity can lead to a string of good luck. However, beware of money mindset being used as a marketing strategy. Many gurus teach these mindsets to sell you something out of your budget. True mindset change comes from practical money management. It's impossible to have a positive mindset when you're struggling to pay bills. You can't thrive when you're in survival mode. The mindset will come naturally when you feel more in control—when you have a budget, emergency fund, and financial cushion. The part that doesn't come naturally requires changing the way you talk to yourself about money, especially the thoughts ingrained from childhood and struggles. Your money mindset will change forever when you realize you've grown, flourished, and achieved amazing things! |
AuthorI love sharing many of my beliefs, thoughts and at times unpopular opinions. Archives
November 2023