If you've been reading my blog over the last few months, you've hear me talk quite a bit about the Minimum Viable Awesome (MVA) aka the Six Figure Power Hour™️. If you haven't read any of the blogs on it, the key take-away is: your business can be both simple and successful; that it doesn't have to be built on 15 hour days, in fact I have built my entire business on 15 minute increments of work; and you don't need to learn any new strategy - you just need to start taking massive action! In April I hosted my Six Figure Power Hour™️ 5 Day Challenge, where I laid out all of the various components of the power hour and explained to you why each element works to get you to a place where you are consistently booked and you are selling out programs before they even release. So why am I talking about this again so soon?! Because summer months = feeling like you don't want to work or don't have time to work. Unfortunately, if we stop working all together then when it comes time to start working again, there will be no one in the pipeline. But what if with just one hour a day you could keep things moving forward, so when the kids are back in school and the weather is colder your schedule is booked already?! You all know that I am taking the month of July off of work - we are going to be traveling all over Florida, enjoying sunshine and quality family time! My goal is to be checked out from business as much as possible BUT I know that I can commit at least an hour a day (although it will likely be less because I have already prepared content and my schedule will consist of whether we are at the beach or pool that day!) I will be spending time journaling, goal setting, and setting my intention for my business when I return to work in August. I will also still be doing my 3 & 2 from my 321 Client Acquisition Blueprint™️. I know what it is like to feel like the world is on your shoulders and you have to do ALL. THE. THINGS... in life and in business. In case you need it, I am giving you permission to just do the MVA and spend a little extra time enjoying the sunshine and your family this summer! If you are interested in learning more about MVA, check out these blogs: Six Figure Habits It's As Simple as 3, 2, 1... Set Yourself Up for Success Each Day How to Create Your Six Figure Life with One {Simple} Habit If you are ready to master the Six Figure Power Hour™️, be sure to check out my Masterclass by clicking HERE!
Have you celebrated you this week?! How about today?! Take a minute to think about something you've accomplished in the last few days - perhaps it was going live for the first time, getting up a little earlier than the kids to knock out something from your to do list, committing to being present during family time, making a sale, connecting with a new potential client, making time for yourself, slowing down in your business to allow time to think about what is next, doing the MVA (minimum viable awesome) consistently... I could go on and on! I have found that in general we don't celebrate enough. We are so focused on our big goal that everything else has a tendency to feel like meh. I am challenging you from this point forward to celebrate all of the steps along your journey! When you do, you are acknowledging the abundance in your life. On the flip side, when we don't celebrate we are centering ourselves in a place of lack - we aren't enough until we get to a certain point. I hate to break it to you but you won't ever create your six figure business or six figure life from a place of lack... Bottom line: If you aren't celebrating, you are doing it all wrong! Allow yourself to have fun! See the abundance around you! Practice gratitude! {It's ok to also acknowledge the hard parts of entrepreneurship... this isn't toxic positivity, I promise!} Ok - what does a celebration look like?! Its different for everyone, so I challenge you to come up with a list of ways you can spoil yourself! Some ideas to get you started: Taking an afternoon off, going on an extra long walk, treating yourself to a mani/pedi, ordering your fave coffee from the local coffee place, splurge on a new face mask, hold a dance party in your kitchen, take time for yourself and go outside and lay in a hammock to read or sleep, create an Amazon wish list and purchase items off it when you hit financial goals. It doesn't matter how you celebrate, just celebrate! Over the last two weeks I have broken down my Six Figure Power Hour for you - beginning with my Client Acquisition Blueprint that helps you effortlessly connect with 780 potential clients to fill your calendar and waitlist and sell products before you even launch. Next we talked about Journaling, Planning Your Day, and Writing Your Goals & Tracking Your $ to ensure that you are in a Six Figure mindset to own your day, not be a victim of it. Here is the thing -- this isn't something you can do one time or for one week and see lasting results. You must create the habit and practice it everyday consistently. Show up for yourself, for your potential, and for business. I am often reminded of the quote from James Clear: "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." Your goals are just ideas, you have to take action to make them happen. The Six Figure Power Hour is a system upon which your Six Figure Business is built on action. I teach my clients that your Six Figure Power Hour™️ is the Minimum Viable Awesome (or MVA as we call it) in your business. If you do nothing else in a day, you have to do this one thing! Build a habit to create your six figure business. If you are ready to learn the ins and outs of my Six Figure Power Hour™️ - check out my Masterclass, that brings every step of my system right to your email inbox and helps you to easily implement it by clicking HERE. Last week, I told you about my Client Acquisition Blueprint and how I connect with 60 potential clients per month as a part of my Six Figure Power Hour. This week we are going to talk about the planning aspect of the Six Figure Power Hour. Sooooo... What does your morning look like?! Do you find yourself rushing from the second your feet hit the ground? What if I told you the first step in creating your Six Figure Business is taking time in the morning to slow down... yup I know you have a ton to do, but you aren't going to be successful if you are operating from a place without a plan. That is why my Six Figure Power Hour includes Journaling, Planning Your Day, and Writing Your Goals & Tracking Your $. I hear excuses from people all the time about why they can't journal... it usually sounds something like I can't journal, I never know what to write; I don't like journaling, it doesn't do anything for me; or I don't have time to journal. Guess what?! There is no right or wrong thing to write, you don't know if it does (or doesn't) do something for you unless you try and all that I ask is you journal for 15 minutes. Now that we have the excuses out of the way, let's talk about why we journal. I don't know about you but my brain is constantly filled with stuff -- ideas for programs, thoughts about what I need to get done, what is for meals that day, what is currently happening in various aspects of my relationship - the list goes on... Journaling helps to get all your thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. You might be surprised with ideas you come up with, patterns you see in your thought process, or just how ready you feel to work when your brain doesn't feel so cluttered. The key to journaling is to just write, without thinking - seriously, let go of the idea of right and wrong answers. I have three simple questions you can use each day as prompts: What can I do today that my future self will thank me for? What is on my mind? If my goals had already happened, I would... Next up is planning your day. Take 15 minutes to specifically list out what you are going to be doing and when. Make sure you have built in time to go live or post your call to action for the day. This seems simple, but so many people just hit the ground running and don't sit down to prioritize what needs to get done, which can mean you spend time spinning your wheels on things that don't matter. I am a firm believer that if you don't plan your day, than you become a victim of it. The last thing we are going to talk about is listing out your goals and tracking your dollars. This is quite possibly the simplest step BUT it has HUGE impacts on your life and your business. Every day, list out your BIG goals -- what are you working towards, what can you already visualize happening. I recommend having 3-5 goals that you list out daily (the same ones!). Also, take time to track your money daily! You can structure this however you like (either each morning track what you made the day before or save this step for the end of the day!). Don't discount things you received that have a monetary value but isn't necessarily money that hits your bank account. Ok - now you know how to complete all of the steps of my Six Figure Power Hour, you might be thinking - wow that is easy! Guess what - That is what this system is meant to be, something that you can easily add to your day, to create a consistent routine that helps you to move your business forward! Commit to it for 90 days and let me know your results - I can't wait to hear how much your business was positively impacted! OK - I am going to give you the details on the first part of my Six Figure Power Hour: my Client Acquisition Blueprint. It is the foundation of my business and how I guide my clients to having more clients than they know what to do with! I have to be honest though, it is going to sound too good to be true. You are going to think, that's it?! Every single day, I take 15 minutes to complete my Client Acquisition Blueprint. This involves connecting with 3 totally new people, following up with 2 people and prepping 1 call to action post for social media. I know what you are thinking, I told you that you would -- that's it?! Yup! Let's take a moment to look closer at each of the elements. 3 - Connect with 3 totally new people. Are you cold selling them?! NOPE Are you messaging them to let them know who you are and what you do?! NOPE You are connecting on a totally human level. Look in FB groups or on IG - find something that genuinely interests you and let them know! Don't overthink it, just engage with people as if you were out at a bar or sitting in the park watching your kids play. Be a person first. You might be surprised at where the conversation can go when you make a genuine connection. 2 - Follow-Up with 2 new people. Are you randomly messaging people you connected with and cold selling them?! NOPE Are you messaging people who you've never connected with before?! NOPE (that would be your 3 ;)) Are you jumping immediately into a conversation about who you are and what you are selling?! NOPE You are following up the same way you would if you saw someone again at the bar who you saw before or the same mom you saw a few weeks. Ask them how things are going. If you became FB friends, comment on something new you realized they have been working on. Invite them to hop on a coffee chat with you, so that you can get to know them better. Again, just let the conversation happen naturally. 1 - Prepare your Call to Action Post. Every. Single. Day. you will post 1 call to action post on your personal profile. Include a catchy title, three bullet points and a call to action at the end. Your call to action post should help people to understand more of what you can do, how you can help them, and how they can connect with you. What does that look like in action?! Head over to my Facebook profile to see, because I practice what I preach ;) Here is the bottom line: Inviting people to like your business page won't get you clients! Inviting people to your group (without a serious nurturing plan) won't get you clients! Sending friend requests like a crazy person won't get you clients! Slow down, make true connections, have coffee talks and get to know people before you try to sell them! If you do the Client Acquisition Blueprint daily, you would have connected with 15 people a week and 60 new people every month! How many of those people know other people who need your services? But they will only tell them about YOU if you take the time to get to know them too! So what is holding you back from starting?! Remember it is super easy, so no excuses! What if I told you that the key to having a six figure business wasn't what you thought it was... When I talk to people for the first time, they often think that having a six figure business is out of their reach because they haven't even begun to develop their branding, design their website, create their opt-in freebie, or create a picture perfect launch strategy with all the bells and whistles. But here is the thing, while all of those things are nice to have, they don't make or break your business. I have coached people to 10k months (and beyond), who still don't have all of those things! So what is a Six Figure Figure business based on?! Consistently following through on these specific habits daily: Setting your intention, planning your day, setting your goals, completing the 3-2-1 Client Attraction Blueprint, visiting your money goal, setting your belief for the day and journaling/visualizing. I know what you are thinking - I barely have time to heat up my coffee, let alone add in all of those steps! But here is the thing, with practice those steps will only take an hour or less. Not to mention on days that you just don't feel like working, if you do only those things, you will find yourself continuing to move towards success. We will spend the next few weeks talking about each of those aspects but first I want you to fully understand that success is built on consistency! The secret to my routine is YOU! You have to choose to show up for yourself and your business everyday or you aren't going to see any changes. My money mentor Denise Duffield Thomas wrote an article about her gorgeous beach front house and she said "this is the house that consistency built!" That was months ago and I am still taken by that truth. Consistency is the name of the game. Consistent messy action - consistently connecting, growing, learning, and most of all implementing. Consistency is what changes everything! My business was built on consistent 15 minutes - not consistent 15 hour days. My clients grow their business by showing up consistently. Growing their audience consistently. Working on their power hour consistently. If you are ready to start consistently showing up in your business, tune in here on the blog and in my Facebook Group all this month to learn more about each step of The Six Figure Power Hour. But if you are ready to implement right way - get your Six Figure Power Hour Today! |
AuthorI love sharing many of my beliefs, thoughts and at times unpopular opinions. Archives
November 2023