The reason that you haven't manifested your vision board is that you are doing it wrong.
I know, I know - How can you do something so simple - wrong? Without going all nerdy on you there is a science behind a vision board. It's a 3 step process and most of us go straight to the third step cutting up the pictures of the car, the house and places we want to see and are left frustrated after looking at that thing for 365 days that none of it happened. The right steps to create a vision board are: 1) BE 2) DO 3) HAVE 1) Our vision needs to be created based on who we will BE in every area of our lives. We need to compartmentalize the areas where we have to literally become the best versions of ourselves. 2) Then we need to DO what that best version of ourselves does. We need to establish those habits that will take us to that next level. 3) And finally after we BECOME that person by DOING those things we will get to HAVE all of the things we want to. Starting Jan 6th inside The Millionaire In The Making For Ambitious Entrepreneurs we will have a FREE 5 DAY CHALLENGE to create that 2020 vision! See you inside! And if you want my eyes on your business, book your Business X-Ray Today!
Your self worth does not equal your net worth.
And your journey to self love might have to make a quick stop at self respect before your self love destination. My journey started at a young age when adults would look at me with petty. I remember not words but their looks of feeling sorry for me. I remember feeling sorry for myself too at times, like when my school uniforms where too dirty or when I didn’t have money for books. Being young and poor I made the assumption that they looked at me that way because I didn’t have much. So I made the decision then that if I had more I would be more. I subconsciously decided that my net worth would equal my self worth. So I worked really hard to get that net worth going for me. I started juggling school and work at 13. I was 17 working in an administrative position in a federal bank and at 19 as an administrator of a multi million dollar business. I had the apartment. The brand new car.The “power” position at work. Was going to college at night. Felt at the top of the world. But inside I was a disaster. My prince charming turned out to be a frog and was also financially and emotionally abusive. He often made a point to tell me that sacrificing sleep to go to college was a mistake because as an immigrant I wouldn’t sum to anything other than to stay home and have babies and that amazing position I had was pure luck. I was so busy having it all that I forgot to be something. I completely lost track of who I was. My aspirations and my own identity. I was too busy proving to the world that I could have it all and woke up alone and lonely. It was Christmas Day when I gave myself the gift of self respect by walking out of that marriage with just the clothes I had on. By respecting myself enough to walk away I gained one of the biggest life lessons til that point. My net worth had nothing to do with my self worth. Without much of a support system I slept in my car. I promised myself then that I would never be that broke or broken again. My life looks very different now! ❤️ And now I get to fulfill my promise of helping other entrepreneurs have more but most importantly BE more! If you are ready to take your business to be everything is mean to be, book your business x-ray today! |
AuthorI love sharing many of my beliefs, thoughts and at times unpopular opinions. Archives
November 2023