![]() Have you celebrated you this week?! How about today?! Take a minute to think about something you've accomplished in the last few days - perhaps it was going live for the first time, getting up a little earlier than the kids to knock out something from your to do list, committing to being present during family time, making a sale, connecting with a new potential client, making time for yourself, slowing down in your business to allow time to think about what is next, doing the MVA (minimum viable awesome) consistently... I could go on and on! I have found that in general we don't celebrate enough. We are so focused on our big goal that everything else has a tendency to feel like meh. I am challenging you from this point forward to celebrate all of the steps along your journey! When you do, you are acknowledging the abundance in your life. On the flip side, when we don't celebrate we are centering ourselves in a place of lack - we aren't enough until we get to a certain point. I hate to break it to you but you won't ever create your six figure business or six figure life from a place of lack... Bottom line: If you aren't celebrating, you are doing it all wrong! Allow yourself to have fun! See the abundance around you! Practice gratitude! {It's ok to also acknowledge the hard parts of entrepreneurship... this isn't toxic positivity, I promise!} Ok - what does a celebration look like?! Its different for everyone, so I challenge you to come up with a list of ways you can spoil yourself! Some ideas to get you started: Taking an afternoon off, going on an extra long walk, treating yourself to a mani/pedi, ordering your fave coffee from the local coffee place, splurge on a new face mask, hold a dance party in your kitchen, take time for yourself and go outside and lay in a hammock to read or sleep, create an Amazon wish list and purchase items off it when you hit financial goals. It doesn't matter how you celebrate, just celebrate!
![]() One thing you will find when you work with me is that I often have a different approach than many traditional coaches. I don't ever offer a one size fits all approach to anything I do - my goal is to show you formulas that equal success but allow you to apply them in a way that works for your life and your business. As you read the following ways to optimize your business, I want you to take time to reflect on what each suggestion means for you in your own business. 1) Stand firm in the transformation you can offer - When I work with individuals I often find that they are offering both a lower cost option and a full package. When I ask why this is, many state that it is so that more people can afford it or it is the easier sale or their hope is that people will invest in that first and then see the value in the higher priced item. The issue with this situation is that someone isn't ever going to see the same result with a lower priced package as they will with your full package. I challenge you to stop selling the band aid to your clients when what they really need is surgery. I know what you are thinking, but I promise it won't mean that you will make less money - it means that you will be more focused on showing people why they need your full package. I worked with an individual once who had a small package for under $500 and a full package for $5000 - I told her to take away the $500 package and she listened. That week she sold 3 $5000 packages. Why? Because it was what people needed and she was willing to show them why. 2) Stand firm in your values - We have this illusion that when we make six figures we are going to take days off, go on vacations, be present with our families. The reality is, if we aren't willing to do it now then it isn't likely to ever happen. WHEN IS NOW! Honor your values and stand firm in your boundaries now as you build your business and it is something that you will always carry with you. Not to mention, when you don't honor your values as you are building your business you are sending the message that you are operating from a scarcity mindset. You are telling yourself, if I don't work on the weekends or spend extra time working at night then I won't be able to be successful. When you stand in your values and establish clear boundaries, you are coming from a place of abundance and acknowledging that there is enough time and you don't have to work so hard to make money. In case you need to hear it: It is OK to take weekends off, in fact I encourage it. Make time for yourself and your family - ensure that you are building a business around your life, not your life around your business. 3) Stand firm in your client experience - Your client acquisition system should never stop when you gain a client, you want the end result to be that every client is a fan. For this reason, you need to make sure that you provide your clients with exactly what they need to be successful, no matter what the experts are telling you. Don't feel pressured to have your program be a set time length because that is how your coach does it -- honor what feels good to you and allows you to best serve your clients. For example, in my line of work, we are often coached to be low touch so that we can reach more clients and make more money ourselves. That doesn't sit well with me - I want each and every one of my clients to know that I am fully invested in them and their results. While your style may not be exactly the same as mine, focus on ensuring your clients feel like they get exactly what they need from you (and more!) When we are creating six figure businesses, we forget to anchor in a six figure life. We have a misconception that when we level up our business we will level up the rest of our life, but that isn't the case. We have to be equally leveling up all aspects of our lives to experience true success. Focusing on standing firm in the transformation we offer, our values, and the client experience that feels right to us is a way to create a six figure business that honors and fits who we are as individuals and will support our six figure life now and in the future. If you would like to have my eyes on your business, book your Business X-Ray today! ![]() OK first things first - do you know what you would want your six figure life to look like?! Not the Pinterest version of it or a view from the outside into someone else's life! Take time right now and dream about what would change from your current way of living when you were living your Six Figure life? Seriously, take the time to do it, I'll wait! In fact, grab a piece of paper even and start jotting down the things that come to your mind! If you need a little help getting your thoughts flowing, here are some questions to ask: What would your house look like, what would your bed feel like, what kind of help/support would you have in place, what would your wardrobe/hair/accessories look like, how would you spend your days, would you want to travel, what other upgrades would you make? Alright, ready to start living elements of that Six Figure life right now?! Then do it! Look back at that list and determine what small incremental changes you can make today! I'm not suggesting that you put yourself into debt, but it is ok to splurge on the slightly more expensive almond milk if you like how it tastes better and you know that once you are making six figures you won't ever buy the cheap brand again! The key is to understand it doesn't have to be huge changes for you to have an energetic shift, maybe it is buying a new outfit that fits the vision of your six figure self, buying the more expensive soap to wash your hands with in your bathroom, upgrading your sheets, or going and getting a new haircut! Perhaps you have visions of having a full time nanny, while you might not be able to afford that currently perhaps you can afford someone to come to the house for 2 hours a day every day. Get creative and think outside of the box! Want to know what incremental upgrades I made first?! I thought you would never ask! My underwear drawer was first... I thought that women with matching underwear had their stuff together and I wanted to be like them. Now I tell all of my clients to level up their life, starting with their underwear drawer... LOL! Next up was our vacations. As a family we started going to the places we wanted to vs what we thought we could "afford." We also always add in a convertible when we are taking trips to the beach! Living your six figure life doesn't have to be something that is far off and elusive! You can start living your six figure life today! Of course there will be elements you have to wait on but allow yourself to start loving your life now - enjoy the process of getting to your six figure dream life. Ready to create a business that fits your life? Book your Business X-Ray Today! |
AuthorI love sharing many of my beliefs, thoughts and at times unpopular opinions. Archives
November 2023