I would like to share 3 strategies with you on how I SHOW my clients what I can do for them. I say show vs tell because people are always being told what can be done for them, rather than being shown exactly what they need. People like to see themselves in the solution so give them everything they need to picture themselves achieving their goals and experiencing success. First, it is so important to meet your clients exactly where they are on their journey. Do not have the focus of the conversation be all the things your program has to offer or that you are going to give them the newest secret to success, instead do less talking and more listening. We are all constantly surrounded by people talking at us, it is rare for individuals to really stop and listen - be the one to hear your client. When you hear them, that is where the connection will take place and then you will begin to get at the heart of what isn't working in their business. Here is the thing, the majority of coaching strategies focus on how the coach knows how to run the business better than the individual they are coaching but here is the thing, your client knows how to run their business, they are just stuck right now. Once you can really hear them and really validate their feelings, then they will feel empowered and unstuck. The second strategy is to touch on your clients current pain points in an empowering way - ask them what is hurting, how can we fix it, what have you tried. Then begin talking about aspirations and really empower your client. Talk about how it’s going to feel when they don’t have the pain anymore, talk about what will be possible, and talk about how different their lives will be. They don’t want you just as a coach, they want you to also be their cheerleader, their friend, the person that is going to be there with them through the whole thing. And last, show them what you can do for them, show them the possibilities. To do this you can show them the before and after of other clients you have helped, show them your laid-out plan, break down the trajectory and show them step 1, 2, and 3. Show them the possibilities without getting stuck on the how. Now let me just add a little something here… It is not bragging when you’re telling your clients all the great things you’ve done for others. You have a gift, you are changing lives, and you should share that with people. You can be humble and still brag about the results. And if you are ready to simplify your strategy and amplify your results, book your business x-ray session today!
The minimum viable awesome is a concept a client and I developed to teach you how to keep your business running while you are on vacation and not running actively running it. So, how can you implement the minimum viable awesome while still being there for your clients? Well, first thing is to schedule your emails. Set them up to go out automatically in batches. Second thing is archiving your Facebook group. Take some time away from it, turn on post approval and set a time each day to approve the posts you want. This way you don’t have to worry about your page going crazy while you’re taking time off.
Another way to do the minimum viable (while being) awesome is to choose non client facing work, then you don’t have to get dressed or put on makeup, you can stay in your PJ’s and no one will ever know. There is no need to go live or make posts every day, so this would be a great time to re-purpose some old content or have a watch party of your old Facebook lives. Do the minimum viable while keeping it awesome and still being available for your clients! Give yourself the gift of time off while your business is still afloat. Now, what you can’t do is disappear for a couple weeks and then come back and wonder where all your clients are, because two weeks in the online world is a long, long time. In business there can be a 90-day cycle, the seeds that you plant today you will harvest in 90 days, so make sure you’re planting the seeds and nurturing your clients and your business is running on cruise control. Give yourself the gift of minimum viable awesome! PS: If you are not sure what your minimum viable awesome is and you are ready to create a business that is in sync with you - The Consistency Code is here! How do you grow your business when you don’t feel like you have the support you need? First and foremost, let’s remember, you didn’t start a business for support, you started a business to make money!
Second, you need stop thinking about IF your business is going to make money and start thinking about WHEN your business is going to make money. You are in it to win it and you will make this happen. Failure is not an option here; you need to fly your business flag high and stop worrying about external validation. Stop worrying if your partner or your friends are not supporting you the way you feel they should be. Finally, always remember you didn’t start your business for them, you started your business for yourself! You started your business to change lives, you started your business for your clients, and that is truly the only support you need. Your ideal client will support you not by telling you how amazing you are but by spending money on the services you offer. That said, I’d like to share with you something that has totally changed my life. You need to teach people how to treat you and how to support you as a business owner. Be clear, tell them exactly what kind of support you need. Whether it’s saying to a friend “I would love for you to support me by coming to my event,” or even to your partner “I would love for you to support me by picking up dinner on the way home.” It is up to you to be crystal clear and ask for the support you need, and if then they are still not supporting you, then that is on them and you move on because girlfriend, you cannot take support to the bank! PS: If you are ready for bigger and better results, book your business x-ray today! January is halfway over - how is that even possible?! I know what you are thinking, now it is too late for me to pick my word of the year, create my vision board or set my intentions. I am here to tell you that you are wrong -- it is never too late! I do want to challenge you to be thoughtful when selecting your word though, there is more to it than just picking something that will inspire you. It is important to select a word that will push you to action. Why?! Action translates to results, and the actions you take are going to change your life. Ok, lets start with some concrete examples - my word for 2020 was “disrupt.” By the way, feel free to blame me for all the disruption that took place in 2020. In truth, my concept for choosing disrupt was that I wanted to disrupt the way people thought about success, I wanted to disrupt the way people thought about themselves and the way they saw their business. I really wanted to disrupt the way people overcomplicate things and disrupt that pattern of thinking. There was a solid connection between the word I selected and the actions that I would take in relation to it. This means that if I was ever faced with a situation where I wasn't sure what was the right decision for me, I could ask myself "will this help me to disrupt?" This year I selected a combination of words for my word of the year - intentional balance. As I created my vision board and thought through how I wanted to focus my time and energy this year, I want to make sure that I am being intentional with my time, with my business, with my family, with my financial decisions. I also want to maintain levels of balance, ensuring that I am devoting time to all of the various parts of my life. Again, because my word(s) are associated with an action, when I face difficult times or am in the process of trying to make decisions I can ask myself whether I am being intentional and if it maintains balance in my life. Let’s go through one final example using the word “growth.” Growth is a great example of an action word. When you find yourself in that obstacle, you can come back to your word and ask yourself: will tackling this issue create growth? So I challenge you - sit down and start to think about your word for the year. What changes do you want to make to your life and your business and how can your word drive you to action. How will your word help you when times get tough and obstacles arise, because it isn't a matter of if but when! Do not choose a word that will only be inspiring - I want you to be able to default to your word so that you can change your pattern of behavior and your word can really have an effect on your life. Be mindful when choosing your word, it’s going to be your moto for the year, it’s going to be what you fall back on in the midst of your obstacle so really put some thought into it. Remember, it is never too late to take action, create results and change your life. And if you are ready to change your business, schedule your business x-ray today! |
AuthorI love sharing many of my beliefs, thoughts and at times unpopular opinions. Archives
November 2023